Hi, what are you up to? Oh, you’re responding to comments on social media.
Let me see… There are some late New Year’s wishes, questions about your brand, praises and shout-outs, and some negative comments that you don’t know what to do with.
Okay, hop in and let’s get started.
Why should I respond to comments on social media?
First of all, of course, it’s a polite thing to do. If somebody asks you something, you should answer. Otherwise, if there’s an unanswered question, your audience will think you don’t know the answer or that you simply don’t bother to respond.
When somebody praises you, you should thank them. In that way, you’ll show that you genuinely appreciate your audience’s opinion.
Unfortunately, nobody’s perfect, you’ll likely come across a negative comment or two. You should respond to those as well. That will show that you know how to handle criticism and turn a negative experience into something constructive.
How to respond to positive comments on social media
Avoid dull, template-like responses and always go for honesty and authenticity. When thanking your audience, try to use conversational and personalised language and tone of voice. Even if your tone of voice is formal and business-like, you should incorporate a personal touch to each comment and allow a natural flow of conversation.
For example, let’s say you’re a travel vlogger. Somebody commented on a specific part of your video, like visiting a certain restaurant. They’ve praised how you’ve managed to bring in the restaurant’s atmosphere and how they’ve almost been able to taste the food you tried. In this case, you can thank them for their nice comment and include another detail that you perhaps haven’t mentioned in the video, e.g. “These shrimps really had a nice spicy flavour!” This will make this particular follower feel special, like they’re the one who deserved to find out even more about your experience.
Ideally, you would respond to each positive comment and praise. However, if there are many comments and you really don’t have enough time to respond to all of them, you can simply like them and write one thank-you response to all of them. It’s certainly better than nothing.
Also, since your audience clearly likes what you do, don’t be afraid to ask them to come back later or visit your other social media platforms. I’m sure they would love to see more of you on other channels and in your new posts.
How to respond to negative comments on social media
First of all, don’t delete negative comments. It’s phoney and deceptive. I can assure you there is somebody who has already seen them and maybe even screenshotted them, so they can call you out for deleting criticism, which would be even worse for you. So, don’t ignore or delete, but rather respond as soon as you can.
However, don’t answer before you’ve cooled down. Always stay professional and calm. Losing your temper could be the worst that can happen to your business. Even if you’re not sure what you have done wrong because your followers’ comments are confusing, politely ask them to tell you more about their negative experiences.
Explain yourself in the public comments and give out the main reasons for your mistake. If you need to go into details, it’s better to do it privately.
Offering something in return for their understanding is a good move. Some of the options are discounts, coupons or free replacement products/services.
Admit your mistake, acknowledge negative feedback and use it for improvement. Seeing that you are willing to take constructive criticism should impress your audience and turn them into happy customers and clients.
In the end
If you need some more advice, Blue Strawberry is always here, ready to answer ASAP.