Wait, is it…oh it’s the time for a new blog post…(putting away the phone). Hey yeah, it’s me your Blue Strawberry I’ve been scrolling since Friday. I don’t want you to miss out on your week too so I’ll share some (completely reliable) advice on how to not waste time on social media, and even use it to your advantage. So without further ado…
Get Inspired
Use your time wisely. It’s very important to you and whatever you’re doing. Don’t waste time on social media on content that doesn’t help, improve, inspire or encourage you. Find the accounts and people who do things you want to do. Learn from them and get your creative juices flowing.
If you know where to look you can find cheat sheets for whatever you want to do on social media. Find people who do things you want to do and learn from them. Inspect their profiles, study what works for them and what doesn’t. If you can, even get in touch. Social media can serve as a great platform to learn and network as well as expand your reach and clientele.
Stop scrolling endlessly
Endless scrolling amongst many other unhealthy habits of social media consumption is a prime example of ways to waste time on social media. As such it should be avoided at all costs. We’ve all been there and this sounds like a medical prescription at this point. Scrolling on and on for hours obviously wastes your time. However, it’s hard to recognize this behaviour and stop it on time…how is it 6 am already?
There are various apps you could use to prevent you from using apps. This is not a joke. There are apps that limit your screen time, app time, social media time, and so on. There0s are apps that block your device from accessing social media at certain hours. You could even go as far and uninstall the apps or just log out to prevent yourself from overconsumption.
Use Some AI
This is more for the creative usage of social media instead of passive reception of content. Post scheduling, post planning, post writing, post-editing…whatever other post-related activities you do, they take soooo much time. Doing all of this by yourself is a lot of effort that can be invested elsewhere. Luckily there’s some amazing AI software that can help you out on your journey.
Blue Strawberry is one of them. Blue Strawberry can do anything from post scheduling, social media marketing campaign planning and production, image and video content editing and creation, and even custom content creation based on your blog posts. It’s amazing for small businesses, bloggers, and influencers.
These are just some of the tips that can help you not waste time on social media. If you’re interested to read more about similar topics check out our blog.