What I am going to say now might surprise a lot of you! Yes, you all know that I am an intelligent strawberry and that I also am blue. I’m guessing you’ve come to terms with this by now.
But do you know how I came to be and what helps me grow, improve, and make your lives better? Let’s see what the magic formula behind the famous Blue Strawberry success is:
My creators are, above all, science geeks who love all things…intelligent! I am a bright and mighty artificial intelligence tool created by brilliant minds (Russell Crowe, not included) with one purpose: to make your life easier.
I came to be as a result of algorithms and data brought together to deliver one piece of exquisite management software that allows business owners and social media fanatics to create, post, schedule, and reinvent content for social media platforms. I can also help them increase their visibility, improve their leads, and grow their sales with just a few clicks.
Exactly! I am that awesome! And for that, I have to thank technology and IT nerds!
Nothing could ever be accomplished without perseverance. Luckily, my creators are some of the most perseverant and committed human beings on the planet Earth. Of course, they didn’t get it right the first time. Of course, they weren’t satisfied with the first results. And, of course, they faced obstacles meant to discourage them from going forward with their dream. But did they give up? Of course not!
Blue Strawberry is a testament to human perseverance and ambition. I could’ve been a simple management software that could just extract social media posts from a blog article and let you do the work afterward. Or I could’ve taken things a bit further and posted in your name to let you come in and collect the applause and likes, but that’s about it. But did I stop there? Of course not!
I grew bigger and brighter and added more and more features to my collection of awesomeness to deliver complex and effective social media campaigns. My customers can now schedule posts, create posts from YouTube videos, use templates based on their creativity and daydreaming skills, and even create video campaigns from written text. Mic drop!
None of this could have ever made Blue Strawberry the exceptional social media sidekick it is today without buckets and buckets of passion. My creators are passionate human beings who have put everything unique, original, and creative about them into the game. Because how can a product succeed if passion is absent? Nothing spectacular and worthy of appreciation grows in the absence of passion. Only dullness!
And one thing is sure: Blue Strawberry is and never will be dull. Our team is invested, fun, and vivacious, and always looking to improve and update your favorite AI tool for social media campaigns. We are constantly in touch with our customers and open to both praise and criticism because we know our customers know best!
The team behind Blue Strawberry works tirelessly to listen to each and every client and have the product resonate with their feedback and wishes. Because when you succeed, we succeed! It doesn’t take solving a very complicated equation to understand how success in business works.
Talk to us! Unlike your partner, we always listen!
So why not get in touch with our passionate team of very bright people and tell them if you love creating social media campaigns with the help of your dearest Blue Strawberry and how we can help you in any other way on your journey to achieve…social media dominance!
We promise we will read and listen to your ideas and advice and use them to improve and give the world a smarter, faster, and wiser Blue Strawberry. Because you have better things to do than to write captions, create videos from content or content from videos, and post it daily on every social media platform out there!
You could use this time to, you know, run a business, have fun with your family, or procrastinate while watching TikTok videos. What? We watch dog and cat videos all the time…and strawberry videos too, especially if they’re blue!
Get in touch today!