Hi there! Back for more useful tips for your social media strategies and overall awesomeness of your content? Blue Strawberry is always ready to help you out. In fact, I was just working on this piece on how to build an effective blog. Are you curious to see what ideas I have for your blog and how they can help you increase traffic and conversions? Let’s go then. Here are my awesome tricks on how you can build an effective blog:
1. Know your readers
If you’re writing content just for the sake of it, maybe as a diary or simply to spread out your philosophical views on the world, and you are in no rush to get viewers, clicks, and so on, go ahead aimlessly. But if you want your blog to bring in conversions and help you sell stuff, you need to get to know your readers. Your content should resonate with their expectations from you and make sure you deliver valuable content. Use Analytics to find out about their demographics, preferred topics, pages visited, etc. This will help you create a reader persona and give you insights into what your audience is looking for.
2. Be consistent
I keep telling everyone about the importance of being consistent in everything they do online. Whether we are talking about blog content, social media posting, or marketing campaigns, consistency is essential for the success of your posts. When it comes to blog writing, consistency focuses on both the type of content you’re posting and your online presence. You need to choose your topics carefully and keep your headlines relevant for your target audience. If you have a blog about SEO and keywords, there is absolutely no point discussing travel destinations. Make sure you schedule your posts. You want to have your readers used to your schedule and looking forward to new pieces of writing. This way, they know when to expect a new article and will not forget about you.
3. Keep it simple
An effective blog is a blog with content created especially for its audience. Unless you are talking about rocket science or brain surgery, try and keep things as simple as possible. Content with a good readability score will always score higher than content addressed exclusively to specialists from a certain niche. Keep the posts at a decent size. You don’t want long articles because people are not exactly eager to spend too much time on one article, especially since videos are taking over the world. Regardless of their length, you need to make sure your articles approach interesting topics that bring value to the reader. Even if you’re using great SEO features and the best keywords, if the articles are not relevant, both your audience and search engines will not appreciate them.
4. Engage with the audience
The easiest way to engage with your readers is to allow comments to your posts. Comments create user engagementthat helps you earn your audience’s trust and shows them you are a real, relatable person who has something interesting to say. You are here to provide value to your little community and interact with everyone. Sure, there will be some bad apples in there too. Negative comments are to be expected, but you should always use them as an occasion to learn and grow and always have a positive answer for them. You should also comment on other blog posts related to your industry and interact with mind-liked people. This helps you increase visibility, attract users to your own blog, and consolidate your credibility.
5. Find your keywords
I was talking about keywords a bit earlier. While they are not the only thing you should focus on when you write content, they do matter. A lot! Hire an SEO specialist or learn about SEO yourself to be able to find the best keywords for your blog articles. Well-chosen keywords help you rank for the topic you are approaching in your blog article and lead to increased visibility. It would be a real shame to let your smart articles slip into anonymity simply because you are not using the right keywords. While search engines can no longer be tricked with articles stuffed with keywords and published only for SEO reasons, keywords help the audience find your blog and draw in organic traffic. Make sure to include one important keyword in your title. Something like this – Blue Strawberry saves the day with AI-powered social media campaigns! Captivating headline, don’t you think?