1. Click your way to successful social media campaigns to save time
We all know by now that social media is the way to go if you want to successfully promote your business. If you don’t know it, please let me know in the comments how is your life spent…under a rock! But I digress. Creating social media campaigns can be a tedious and time-consuming activity, which may remind you of Sisyphus’ job! You write and create, research hashtags and add images, edit and post only to start over again. Every day! For the rest of your life! Well, this may be a bit dramatic, but you get the point.
How about entrusting the whole social media – online presence concept to our dearest Blue Strawberry! With just a handful of clicks, you can painlessly extract your social media campaign for up to 18 months from a SINGLE post! Yes, you read that right. With just one blog post, you can be sure you have content for your social media campaignson Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and the others, for months to come, without having to intervene. Add to this automated keyword suggestion and hashtags, as well as witty captions inspired by your content. Unless you want to add your personal touch, which is accepted by our smart Blue Strawberry because while intelligent it knows when to give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’ – full control over the app and unhindered autonomy.
2. Turn your YouTube videos into articles and social media posts
Because Blue Strawberry is determined to always reach for the impossible and improve itself in the process, we can now guarantee content from YouTube videos. This certainly is fabulous news for all you vloggers out there spending so many hours recording and editing, adding and deleting, posting and interacting. You certainly don’t have the will, patience, or desire to write down content for your blog or create social media campaigns after a day spent editing videos. Unfortunately, the world of search engines is harsh, and unless you have everything they demand in terms of content, they may very well punish you with a low-ranking page.
However, do not despair my beloved vloggers! Blue Strawberry has found the perfect solution to your dilemma. All you have to do is paste the link to your vlog inside the talented Blue Strawberry, and she’ll take it from there. Using your video content, the app will magically transform the audio of your video into content for your articles, and from there just follow the usual path to social media posts. I find this to be absolutely exquisite! Don’t you think?
3. Give life to your blog posts by creating short videos from words
As you’ve already seen, Blue Strawberry can create content from videos. But can she create videos from words? Challenge accepted! Of course, she can. Just give it a try. This automated social media tool can help you turn your articles into short videos without having to invest time and money in video editing tools or trying to conquer your stage fears and sweat abundantly while filming your next video.
The future is video, and social media knows it! If you want to keep up with the trends, you need to upgrade your social media content and make use of videos whenever you can. You’ve probably noticed that Google is already placing YouTube videos at the top of your result pages, and this can mean only one thing: Google (and search engines in general) want to encourage video content. It’s a good thing that Blue Strawberry is here to make your life and ascension in the search results easier.
There! Time saved and flawless social media campaigns in a matter of clicks! Now go! Make new deals, spend time with your family, conquer the world, or simply stare at the sun! The possibilities are endless when time is plentiful.