Creativity has never been more appreciated than in the era of social media. And if there is someone out there who truly knows the value of creativity, this is definitely yours truly, Blue Strawberry! I just love creative people and innovation, and there is no better proof than, well, my color and the endless things I can do.
Twitter plays an important role in any marketing strategy, and it is important for any brand that wants to grow its following. However, the mission of achieving fame and followers is not that easy. With just 140 characters, you need to tell a whole story, and you have to make it original, captivating, and, more importantly, engaging. Thank the universe for hashtags though! They are your ticket into mind-liked communities, brand awareness, and increased visibility! Let’s see how we can put them to work!
Keep up with the trends
Use creative hashtags on Twitter. The first place to look if you want to make sure you use the best hashtags for your tweets is clearly Twitter itself. The Top 10 Trends await to unveil themselves on the left-hand sidebar right under your Twitter profile. The list is personalized and reflects your interests, location, and the accounts you follow. Trending Twitter hashtags can increase your audience, expose your product to the world, and increase the number of followers. They are the hashtags of the hour, topics, and stories that drive the conversation on the platform.
If you don’t exactly find any room for them under your topic, you can always change the location and see what the world has in store for you. Make sure you understand the hashtags and what they are standing for to avoid associating your brand with topics, stories, or movements that have nothing in common with your company.
Hashtagify like there’s no tomorrow
A clever tool (well, not as clever as Blue Strawberry but worthy of our appreciation), Hashtagify allows you to move on with your quest for the best hashtags beyond Twitter. The platform generates both trending and popular hashtags, so you can have the best chances to reach your audience and find influencers and competitors that might help up your Twitter game. It also allows you to search any hashtag you can think of and see its popularity and the associated trends for the week and month.
Take a peek at what hashtags influencers use
Influencers are the elves of the social media universe with infinite powers over their following. It is never a bad idea to take a look at what hashtags are in their graces and see the content that accompanies it. Influencers are pretty good at creating catchy hashtags and setting the tone, so if your brand feels nice and cozy in a certain niche where influencers make a difference and lead the way to a wider audience, you should go for it!
Create your own branded hashtags
Popularity plays an important role when you want to select impactful hashtags but so can your own hashtag that adds originality and authenticity to your brand. Sure, you can’t expect adoration and tons of engagement from the first posts, but branded hashtags have the power to build communities and differentiate your products from others. They will be your trademark on Twitter and a very creative way of adding a unique voice to your brand. You can create campaign-specific hashtags best used for campaigns and promotions or always-on hashtags used as a way to identify your brand and a constant companion to all your tweets.
Be creative but keep it relevant
Use creative hashtags on Twitter. We all love catchy hashtags, and I am sure you can come up with absolutely delicious hashtags, but before launching them into the Twitterverse, you should make sure you don’t push the boundaries a little too much. In other words, verify if your new hashtags exist and if they do if they have ever been used in a negative way. You wouldn’t want to associate your brand with hashtags that can affect your reputation. Also, keep it short! A long hashtag might get lost in translation and miss its target. Three words or less are more than enough to encapsulate your message. Make the hashtag easy to read, and don’t be afraid of capital letters. No, you’re not yelling at your audience! You’re just making things more interesting and easier to read.
And whenever you feel the inspiration has abandoned you and your muses are away, you can always count on me to suggest accurate hashtags that reflect your content. How?! Just use me to extract posts from your existent content, and I will come prepared with a bucket of relevant hashtags!