Welcome back to a new round of QA with yours truly, Blue Strawberry! Back to vlogging, aren’t you?! I understand completely, especially since it is pretty clear by now that vlogging will eventually reign supreme and dominate the online universe!
So, why do vloggers need social media? Well, if you ask me, everyone needs social media for one reason or another, except if they want to spend their life away from innovation, information, and interesting…well, stuff. But why vlogging in particular? Why should vloggers get on top of all-things social media?
Helps create a buzz around their content
Whether you like it or not, social media has the power to make and break online “empires”! Vlogging is about honest and transparent communication with the audience. It transcends the power of the written word and communicates directly with the audience – mispronounced words included.
For your vlogging to create a buzz among your target audience and become influential, you should turn to social media platforms. Social media is the intermediary your content needs to be heard and, most importantly, seen. Whether you post make-up reviews, create travel stories, or offer useful tips, what better way to spread the word about your brand than by sharing your content on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook?
Increases traffic and creates engagement
If you want your vlog to be successful, you need more than interesting stories and carefully shot videos. You need to interact with your public. Static marketing is no longer enough. We live in the era of fast-paced communication, and the entire world awaits at your fingertips. There is no time to waste!
Create social media accounts on all platforms that echo your vlogging content and open communication with your audience. Allow them to comment and like your vlogs, answer their questions, adjust your tone according to their preferences, and see what type of content they appreciate the most. Use social media metrics to analyze the impact your vlogs have and grow your following with valuable content that resonates with your public’s online behavior.
Consolidates personal branding
Having your vlogs on all social media platforms adjusted to the type of content you promote will help you make your voice heard and position yourself as a unique brand. You don’t need to sell anything to have a brand. Vloggers are a brand per se and should learn how to “sell” themselves. Bet all you have on authenticity and originality, and you can’t go wrong.
Make it easy for people to find your blogs online, subscribe to your channel, and share your content. Engage with video consumers, as well as other vloggers and influencers, to create your community around your brand and improve your personal branding. Social media allows you to access a multitude of opportunities and opens the way to various collaborations that can only lead to your success.
Keeps them informed and relevant
News travels faster now thanks to social media channels. For your business to stay relevant, you need to be in the loop with developments in the industry and learn about new technologies, tools, and analytics. Social media platforms are the perfect place to discover new things every day and keep up with the changes. Furthermore, they allow you to access the most popular topics and discussions and serve as a source of inspiration for new relevant content that has the potential to attract likes, shares, and followers.
If you want to position yourself as an expert in your field or as an influencer, you need social media! There’s no way around it! Social media helps you create a solid online presence but only if you are consistent and take advantage of all that its marketing tools have to offer. And, whenever, things feel too much with all the creating, writing, filming, and posting, Blue Strawberry can help you out! Find out how!